Monday, I'll start writing my next book. But if you asked me today, I couldn't tell you which or even what the story is because I don't know yet. I have highly defined characters, partially formed ideas of what story I'd like to tell, and nothing else.
Remember, I'm spending time off. Hopefully, the hero I decide to tackle next jumps into my head Monday and decides for me what we're writing. I've release twenty-eight times since I started being an Indie 2 years 10 months ago, and I've fully evolved back to where I started. Telling the stories I want to how I want to. No fancy releases. Hitting release and going to lie in the sun. And I couldn't be happier. I've let go of the stuff most Indie Authors chase. My goals are different and I'm meeting them, and what could be better than that?
For all of you who read and enjoy my books, thank you for making this a very special almost-three-years. I've come full circle as an author thanks to my great readers who let me know they enjoy how I tell my stories. It's because of you all that I've been able to hold firm to my motto: Write what you love, write it how you want to, and forget everything else.
As ever I wish you peace and happy reading.