I think coming of age before there was a sex shop on every street corner or a wide variety of toys you can buy from the internet, makes it easier for me to write erotica. We had to be creative and spontaneous to be naughty, and it makes for more fun, and even hardcore erotica readers haven't heard of some of the things I've written. In One More Kiss, there is a sex scene I get a lot of email on and it usually starts Really? It always shocks my readers when I write back, yep and it works. On my recent travels I had a bartender invent a cantaloup and chocolate martini and set it in front of me. He reads my erotica novels. ***blushing***definite awkward moment.
There are some sex scenes in One Long Kiss I think I'll definitely hear from the readers about. And as always, my answer will be yep, really. A young writer told me, God you are shocking , I've never heard of that, and it's great. I don't look at it that way. It's just what we did before there was instant everything. It goes to prove that old axiom is true. If you wait long enough everything will come back into fashion. Even how we are naughty with each other.
I still enjoy writing lyrical love scenes, and I enjoy writing the more graphic love scenes popular in contemporary novels without crossing the line into erotica(which is hard to do these days since the line keeps moving!) but I think the most challenging is the erotica. Because I don't want to write it the way everyone else does. Sex should be glorious, it should be fun, it should be an emotional and carnal journey, spontaneous and full of creative expression. And damn, every once in the while you might run into a bartender who invents a martini after a sex scene you've written. Nothing wrong with that.
As ever, I wish you Peace!