People ask me, how can you write and release a book every month. Structure. Structure. Structure. That's me. Only every once in the the while my focus is dragged away from writing the Indie book to manage the Indie business. It's hard work to sell a book, to release a book and promote it, and to keep your business going well while you continue to write and release because release, release, release is about the only way to have a successful Indie business. I'm sure out there in Indie land there are some authors having enormous success with one book out, but that isn't me.
I'm sort of in that quandary right now. I'm releasing One Long Kiss this month, and two books in June, The Girl in the Comfortable Quiet & Broken Crown, but the darn business of this business is interfering. And I'm losing an entire week of writing time to sign books in NYC at Sexy in the City. I am so excited to be there, but worried about the time thing. I hate to miss a release date. But then if I don't sell books, what's the point of releasing, right?
The Indie proposition was a lot more fun imagined in my head, than in real life. I'm just saying, I'd rather be writing than promoting. My characters are getting impatient in my head wanting to tell you their side of things. I know, I know, they aren't real, but they are to me and they are to the readers who want to know how the series end.
So as I continue to countdown to my 1 year anniversary, I'd like to thank all you readers and especially those who recommend my work. Word of mouth, sharing my work with a friend, is the kindest thank you a reader can give an author. Better than a review. Better than the wonderful notes you send(though I am so humbled by each and every note)Tell a friend. You will never know how much that lightens the load of an Indie Author. Thank you so much for all your kindness and encouragement as I try to finish my little tales of Chrissie/Alan/Neil and Jack/Linda.
As always, I wish you Peace.