Your first day as an Indie is a bit like the first day at a new high school where you don't know anyone. You'll link up with just about anyone not to be lost and confused and that girl alone. But my dad gave me some smart advice(yes I know he took it from someone else) If you run around with dogs you're going to get fleas. He was right, so yep, I was the nerd girl who'd rather walk the halls alone than run with dogs. Great advice. It applies to Indie world. It pretty much applies to all worlds. That's something I've learned in 51 years. Another thing I've learned is no matter the endeavor, selling sportswear or books or software; I am the product. I am the brand of every thing I do.
As in any market, there are good citizens and bad citizens. Professional authors and the Professional wanker. Pick your support system carefully. There is a piece of advice I used to give young professionals I hired for my business. It went like this: Welcome to the team, but the interview is not over. Consider your employment an endless interview. Show up like you did today. Professional dress. Professional attitude, and you'll fit in great with this amazing team. We reward exceptional performance. But if you come in sloppy in shorts and a wrinkled shirt, play into the office drama, become an endless whiner, take shorts cuts in work performance because you think it doesn't matter, we will have a problem. Never forget your performance is a reflection on you, a reflection on the team, and a reflection on me...
I live every day like I'm interviewing for a job. I am the product. I am the brand. Never do anything to damage your brand. I don't care how marvelous your new release is, it will catch up with you. Also, bad behave in market reflects on the entire market so I say: Don't! And if you behave badly, I will run, not walk away from you! I am my brand.
I wish you Peace.
Tomorrows post: There is no conspiracy at Amazon. Snap out of it!