Was planning to make progress on all my WIP projects, but things just turned into chaos. First the bobcats returned for the first time this season. That made all the creatures of the forest uneasy including my house pets. I had cats eating dog food, dog eating cat food, one cat eating nothing and one cat outside eating everything it could kill.
Then last night we had a hodgepodge of animal conflict: bobcat fight, coyotes howling and disturbing neighbor horses, and very nosy owls. I was worried about the horses next door so I jumped out of bed and there over the ocean was the most extraordinary lightening show. I've never seen anything like it. It went on for hours. Brilliant bright and yellow explosions, sometimes like swirling orange clouds and other times gigantic bolts falling from the sky into the Pacific.
Guess I should have taken heed of the animals and known something was going to happen this weekend. They usually are the first warning. Except, I've never seen anything like last night's lightening storm. It was not even on my possibilities list.