Except on Day 1 of edit. I do not write. Not ever. I give everyone in my fictional universe a day off. They need it. My PA was shocked when she found out what happens in the 3rd half shell book. So my characters rest and I rest, but not really. Even without writing it's a pretty full day.
It's good to have a plan. To stay focused. To stay clear of the chatter. If I were to give one piece of advice to a new Indie it would be to stay clear of the chatter. How can you write when someone's voice (not your own or your characters) is rattling around in your head? Indie Author land is full of drama. Lots of authors have things they are not happy. Lots of authors have conspiracy theories. Lots of authors war with each other. I have a tendency to lose tolerance with that and just slowly fade away from people who are too much drama. You can't achieve anything if you are muddling around in the drama. What amuses me is they think I'm a B&&ch when I do it. Maybe I am. Or maybe I just have a pretty full day every day for 51 years. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm 51. I'm not getting older. I'm getting better.... or at least smarter. I'm not sure which.
As ever, I wish you Peace.
Oh, And One Last Kiss is still on Kindle Countdown UK 99c
The Signature is on Kindle Countdown UK US 99c