In his fifties(and I was considerably younger than that) started the Let's sail around the world. And because my husband is a planner and does everything well, that has meant endless sailing classes and endless sailing in preparation. I'm a ASA Certified Captain. Which means I can navigate with charts, radar, the stars, name all the parts of the boat, talk in that official sailor lingo, (I definitely look spiffy in the clothes since I'm lean and tan year round) and can rent a boat pretty much anywhere in world. Regrettably I couldn't sail a boat to save my life, I could never save my husband if he fell over board, but I do have a pretty little certificate and a sticker in my sailing log that says I can. And it did come in useful when I wrote the Deverell Series. I've had lots of readers compliment me on how well I describe and know boats.
And there is a certain irony, if one cares to note it, that during my decade of Let's sail around the world I just happen to write a historical romance series with a heroine kept captive on a boat. I'm not saying that's how I feel about the sailing the world thing. We can leave it at I wasn't thrilled with the idea. My husband is 6"4' and built like a linebacker which means anything on a boat requiring agility I do and sailing is hard work. Thankfully we went about two years ago on a mini-long sail with a group and the weather was bad and I wasn't strong enough to do all the hard work and my husband had to do it. Let's just say that killed sailing around the world idea.
So sailing around the world has now been replaced with traveling the US in a motor home. We've both been in every state. I traveled back and forth across country with my mother as a little girl in the 60s over and over again since we were west coast and our family was east coast. Being in a car for weeks on end with my four brothers pretty much has left me PTSD when I think about driving across country. My husband went across country, too, in the 60s after college with a buddy in a Porsche. So philosophically inconsistent. I don't know what's up with the motor home idea. It's not the age of Aquarius, there is no Woodstock, and I'm pretty sure we're not going to find it in a Winnebago. Oh well, my only hope is we will never find one to purchase because he can't find one where he fits comfortably in the bed. There is hope.
So I am releasing, releasing, releasing books right up to the point when my husband figures out where we go next in life. For all I know I could be living in a tent in Alaska without Wi-Fi. He loves the outdoors and simple pleasures. I love that man. I would do it...well, so long as there was a Hyatt around the corner I could occasionally escape too.
As ever, I wish you Peace.