Now, for those of you reading both series, I've done another no-no. At the end of One Long Kiss, there is a special bonus chapter that will only have significance for readers reading both series. But I think it will make book 4 of The Half Shell Series more fun. You see, a lot of what impacts all our lives happens off page. That is definitely the case for Chrissie. Only I decided to put it on page in another series. I hope you enjoy. I know you'll tell me if you don't.
And if you are looking for pre-order or an official release date, I don't have one. Isn't it fun? I'm just releasing and then off to New York to sign books at the Plaza at Sexy in the City.
As ever, I wish you Peace.
Oh, and my anniversary sales are still going on!
FREE: The Girl on the Half Shell Amazon US: http://amzn.to/ZqFAnZ
99CENTS: The Girl of Tokens & Tears Amazon US: http://amzn.to/18CAn1l
FREE ON K/U The Girl of Diamonds & Rust Amazon US>>> http://amzn.to/1QuUIGW