Just to remind you why I do this...
The great thing about being an Indie author(The Girl on the Half Shell) is I get turned on to some really great Indie books I wouldn't know about any other way than word of mouth. So once a month I'm going to share my favorites. Here are the rules about my reviews:
1. I only review work I paid to read
2. I only share reviews for books I liked
3. I only post my 5 STAR reviews because I want to help others find the best that's in indie world!
So here is my September Indie Books of the month. If you want to end up on my Sunday morning blog review next month, drop me an email. Since I'm about to become a grandmother for the first time, I'd really like some great referrals to children's books and MG. Come on authors, help me build a reading list for baby Hugo!

This delightful little GEM got from me 5 STARS. This debut novel is fantastic in every way.
Review: Nothing makes me smile like a cowboy hero with a heart of gold. This debut novel is a delightful old school style romance with the sizzle turned up, giving a page turning freshness to the contemporary novel and tossing in a cowboy in a perfectly balanced blend of genres: contemporary romance and cowboy romance. It has everything romance readers crave. Conflict~a girl troubled and unable to trust. Hope~a hero who is to good to let go of. Mistakes~girl running and trying to ruin her life. Triumph~girl realizing there is no place to run. It takes the traditional theme of "love conquers all" and wraps it in a story unique and new for our modern times. Reminding us of the age old standard of why we love the romance novel: the journey to find love and a life partner is a universal quest, regardless of past, human weakness, errors and doubts.
This is a beautifully written story that left me all smile at the end. New themes in the classic tradition of the romance novel. This is not one of those stale been there read that kind of novels. I would highly recommend this book. Bravo. Well done.