1. Earphones! Greatest invention since sliced bread. I don't care how much you love the one your with, endless hours of listening to road rage can make you want to sock them. You can listen only so much to: Did you see what that freak'n guy did? Did you see it?
2. The ebook and the Kindle. Jeez, Amazon has done for authors and readers what the Guttenberg Printing Press did for the bible. I've got like a gazillion books in that thing and most of them free!( shameless promotion here: The Signature is on free download today!) I could read forever and my only cost was the kindle. And my husband, because he's cheap got his by staying up all nigh from eBay for like a half cent. Amazing. An entire world of literature at your fingertips for free!
3. Pocket lasers, the little ones that look like pens. You don't need fireworks people and you especially don't need them in California. WE have no water and every part is a fire zone. Put on a light show with the pocket lasers. Drives the toddlers and the pets crazy, and they don't know the difference.
4. The nap! Don't get angry when your spouse sleeps on a holiday. Personally I believe the nap is the key to a happy marriage.
5. Laughter. Whatever happens, just laugh it off. Life is meant to be fun and laughter is a wonderful thing.
So Happy 4th of July. Be safe. Be well. Be careful with fireworks and the BBQ if you live in California. We really don't have any water here!