She started reading my Affair without End Series. She gave me 4 STARs on both books, One Last Kiss & One More Kiss, but I wouldn't exactly call her a fan at that point. She didn't give me a bad review, but here is what she said that caught my eye: " Ward has the potential to be a much better writer with more well-rounded characters and intriguing plot-lines. "
Well, she was reading my novella series, and you only have so much time to do what you want to do in a Novella and novellas do appeal to a different type of reader with a different type of book-want. So me, being me I dropped her an email and asked her if she wanted to read a full length novel and I sent her The Girl on the Half Shell. Whether as a reader you like that book or hate that book, you are not ever going to say it doesn't have fully developed characters and an intriguing plot line.
Last night she finally finished the book and the review popped up on my Goodreads page. It made me smile. Still 4 STARS, but the review did make me smile: "[Book: Girl on the Half Shell] surprised me due to the deeply flawed characters and the entertaining way it was written. Ward breathes life into her people, who run the emotional gauntlet, making you love them one second and hate them the next. It was easy to spot pieces of one's self in at least one of Ward's creations as they were each afflicted with very realistic problems. Yeah, part of the book reads like chick-fantasy but instead of dragons or magical powers, it is a world of rock stars and money. But just because I don't live like that doesn't mean it isn't real or can't happen." And then the closing line, that every author works for: "I'm going to recommend to all my friends that devour any and all things romance as this one seems different to me."
So is one reader worth it? I would say yes in this highly competitive market. And definitely yes, as a small Indy. I'm building one reader at a time. We all are, really, and the interactive world of publishing gives us an opportunity to do that in ways never possible before this century. Also, good or bad, I find it enormously interesting hearing what my readers think of my work. It only takes a moment to drop a line. And we are all just building one reader at a time.
As ever I wish you Peace.
Oh and One Last Kiss is still 99penies Kindle Download, and I'm about to cross another 1000 readers so Woo Hoo, you know what that means... time to look through my Kindle Promos to celebrate.