Please, no angry emails. I'm not mocking formula romance. I've released some: Rewind, The Signature, The Deverell Series, definitely Happily Ever After. It's just not all I do. You will always get a happily ever after at the end of my series and definitely for every book couple at the end of releasing my fictional universe in Affair without End, Half Shell and Sand & Fog. It just may not be how you visioned it or the journey the one you expect. I love the unexpected. I love love after the unexpected.
Sometimes I have readers who get angry, but they keep reading. I have authors who tell me, "don't do it. Too much risk." But heck, it's my party and I'll write what I want to.
These series may not catch on until the entire collection is released hopefully by June 2015. Heck, they may never catch on. That's all right. If there is one thing people who know me can always say about me I did it my way. For better for worse I'm true to myself, and so are my characters. They don't need to be perfect. I'm not perfect. They are flawed. I am flawed. Boy do they fuck-up a time or two. Well I have definitely done that.
My books may lay there forever, limping along in sales, but it doesn't matter. I get from time to time emails from reader who have just series hopped and figured out what I'm build by releasing my books...OMG, I didn't expect. I didn't know. This is great.... Sometimes I even get a kind review: I was introduced to this author via FB, excellent choice. I've read book 1 finished this book and I'm excited to read book 3, which will get to understand who the characters are and where it all started. Romantic story, after a two year break up the love was never gone. You must read!
See even my book order and series order don't matter. In my fictional universe all time is complete in a a single moment, and each piece it doesn't matter when it's revealed. You won't figure out the puzzle until I show it to you. And at that end of the day, if one reader says to me...That was incredible... then I'm happy and I might go into the completed basket of manuscripts and start releasing all my happy happily ever after.... but I don't think so. But I might.
I wish you Peace.