First, I'm part of two great causes. For Cash Donations: The Susan G. Komen TouchStone Family Fund There is also a rafflecopter and you can win some great books there!
And the Leslie Jones Support Leukemia Foundaton. 24 hour Event in support of the Leukaemia Foundation. The Rafflecopter is going very well and we so appreciate all of the sharing that you've done on your pages. Click here to visit the event.
![]() | I do my part for these worthy causes. I donate. I promote. It isn't much, but remember everything counts when we're are trying to do good work. So help as you can. It is appreciated. As for me I'm preparing to release 3 new books. Historical Romance. When the Perfect Comes, October 6th. Face to Face, the second book in the Deverell Series on November 3rd. This book goes on pre-order on sale Ocrober 6th. And the final book of the Deverell Series, Love's Patient Fury, is scheduled for release on December 1st and Pre-order on November 3rd. Should be fun, right? And for those who wonder, the second Half Shell book is schedule for release December 22, 2014. And then I'm climbing into my hammock and sleeping for a while. It's hard for granny panties to keep up with the young dogs. |