They are so competitive that when I shop, I can't just buy something for one. In Paris, I had to buy a stack of Luis V just not to feel badly about buying something for me, and then I had to double check and make sure there was something in the pile for the daughters not with me. Don't want to get sucked into the: You're mom's favorite argument. It doesn't work correctly in my house. The one they accuse of being my fave is suppose to modestly say, no it's not me, it's you! But she doesn't. To add gasoline to the wars she says: I know! Thanks a lot, bug, for making mom's life more difficult!
So, in typical Ward family fashion, I started my Facebook page with the release of my first book, and a couple days later my daughter started one for her Vegan Cooking Recipes... and since then she's been kicking my butt with "Likes" and the competition is on. Now I know I won't ever keep up with them: they are faster, younger, smarter, more tech savvy, and incredible girls.
But the competition is good. Trying to keep up with them, keeps me young, forces me to learn new things, and every once in a while they take pity on Mom and slow down before they speed back up and leave me in the dust.
Though I am confused. Really? I'm getting my butt kicked by a Vegan Recipe Page? I write sex and love and heartache. I've had some great vegan food with my girl, but heck, it can't compete with love or chocolate!