Now that doesn't mean that my novels aren't romance novels. They are. But I figured you could actually put substance in a happily ever after, readers of all levels would enjoy it, and readers would take away what they wanted from it. Sometimes readers find the substance and the message. Sometimes they don't. Both is fine with me because my readers are enjoying my work.
I'm particularly proud of the book The Signature. It definitely a substance novel if you read it that way. And lots of readers do. I get email where readers thank me for writing it, and an occasional review post that says that as well."Excellent story and congratulations for bringing the justice system to task for not protecting women and children from abuse. Even if you are beautiful and famous, you can still have an abusive husband. I liked how Krystal grew and how she could finally learn to trust and love again. They had a bit of misunderstanding for awhile. This book had a lot of laughs and I loved the characters. Ms. Ward showed the difference family love makes and how we all need this connection." "Signature has ever emotion than an abused female may experience. Everything from love, betrayal, mistrust, confusion, being scared, scarred, insecure but also strength and determination. Do not doubt that there is strength sometimes in running away than it is to stay. Especially when it involves protecting your child. Read this for the emotional level of what a mom will do for her child when pushed in a corner and what one man will do to protect her."
All my books can reach a reader any way they want it. Deeper message or just a plan good romance read. My goal is to reach women through my writing and share the common experiences we all have known either personally or through someone we love.
It was a risky move to start with romance novels with substance in an age where you read things like, "I want to fuck you," and "I'm having inappropriate thoughts about you," spoken by characters on the day they first meet, and those books top all the bestsellers list, and readers like them. But I started with the block of work I'm most proud of and I am so grateful to everyone who took a chance on little ole unknown me and downloaded books ranging from spousal abused heroine, to rich girl who burns herself, to my rebellious Lady Merry who refuses to wed, to my Linda searching for her father and trying to overcome never having known him.
My romances cover the entire range of what readers expect from a romance novel: fun, exciting, nerve-wracking, humorous, intense, lusty, sexy, and sexual. I just don't throw out the real world to create it. Thank you everyone who took advantage of my free download of The Signature, for your kind notes and your wonderful emails.
As ever, I wish you Peace.