So in the midst of what has been a trying few weeks, I got great news. That's how life works in my world. Chrissie's too. See the parallel. Crummy and happy overlapping. My little Chrissie, The Girl on the Half Shell, has advanced into the Semi-Finals of the 2015 Best of Kindle Awards. That's pretty cool, huh? And even better I made it into the next round with a friend. The marvelous Barbara Devlin. See even in the dark moments of life magic can still happen. Never give up. Things get better on their own if you let them. Life is good if you let it be.
I truly appreciate and am touched by all the kinds notes, messages and emails I received regarding my post about my husband and missing my release date for the new book. Thank you all for being so wonderful and hanging in there with me. It makes it doubly scary and doubly exciting to hit release on The Girl in the Comfortable Quiet , because I so don't want to disappoint any of you wonderful people wanting to find out what happens to Chrissie.
As ever I wish you Peace.
Oh, and I still have a 99cents Kindle Countdown going.
::Buy Links::
Book 1: The Girl on the Half Shell>> http://amzn.to/ZqFAnZ
Book 2:The Girl of Tokens & Tears>>http://amzn.to/18CAn1l
Book 3:The Girl of Diamonds & Rust>>http://amzn.to/1QuUIGW
Book 4:The Girl of Comfortable Quiet coming soon!
Add to your TBR: http://bit.ly/1e5ghj1