Readers are always asking me: Your books are so different, the series so different. How do they all join together in a single puzzle? Answer: Well, they don't unless you want them to. You can read a single series and get a tale about my book couple completely told and unique as their own story, the same is true with my standalone novels or....Read all the books in all the series and discover the story they tell together.
Lots of authors write books where the character spin-off and have their own tale. I started my collection in the 80s. Decade strongly influenced by the daytime soap opera. I thought it would be fun to take the spin-off one step further and give it that special soap opera format touch. If you read all the series, all the 26 books that make up the universe in my first collection you will find that the characters don't just spinoff, they weave together in this giant universe of make believe, impacting each others' lives, little clues unseen in other books of where HEA might end, an individual series one complete romance, reading the addition series different complete romance, reading two series together creates a different complete romance, and on and on until if you read them all I hope you go AHA! Well that's my hope, to take the reader on a journey that is fun, romantic, surprising, unexpected, to a place of HEA and in the end have at least one reader send me a note or an email that says: OMG I totally get it. I never guessed. That was awesome.
Well that's my hope. I can dream, right? It's much better than the nightmare I have from time to time where people throw my books at me and say NO MORE SUSAN WARD! Dream, always better. I'm only at 7 books out of 26 in publication, with number 8 releasing on the 26th of January and the 9th releasing on February 28th. I'm on target to get released 12 books this year and the entire collection by May 2016. Then I will find out. Did I accomplish well what I tried to build. Did readers like it?
I wish you Peace.