Whew, it's a good thing I didn't watch the videos from the experts before I was 2 years into my book business because if I had watched them before I launched a book I probably would never have hit release. Everyone out there has their opinion on what you should do to be a success. But it's all about how to sell more books. The big one lately is going live on Facebook and having POD casts so authors can have more of a relationship with their readers. I see them all the time. I'm sure they are great things for some authors, but lets get real. I'm old. I don't look good in an iPhone video even if I could take one that looked halfway decent and really, who wants to hear about a granny's life.
Still, for a brief moment I was delusional enough to try to give it a try. We went to our first NBA game of the season at the brand new Golden One Arena, and I thought, this is fun. A great venue to do one of my Authors on the Go videos. And for you out there who haven't seen them, well, you're right, you haven't. They're something silly I do at signings and on my way to signings as a hello to my author friends and they are not fit for public viewing. That should have been my first clue not to dare doing that uber-trendy going live thing on Facebook. But no, I'm crazy when I'm out and I thought it would be fun and I could say I've done something the experts recommend.
Well, the saving grace from this experience is that I went live on the wrong page. A second Facebook profile I have for my family and closest friends. And it's a good thing I did. I'm just not camera ready like the young people are at the drop of a hat. My daughters have exactly three always perfect smiles in every selfie. But me, something about how I hold that phone, I always end up all nose in the photographs.
The experience reminded me of one important thing I've always held firm belief in since I starting releasing my books. There is no one size fits all solution for how to be in Indie. And I've pretty much decided to stay with my golden rule: do what you love, how you love it, and forget everything else.
And since everyone else out there has expert advice, I'm giving mine on how to thrive as an author. It's free so don't hate on me if you don't like it. Whatever you do be you, whatever you write, however you live: be true to who you are, and remember everyone's wonderful, success, and exciting doesn't look the same.
As ever I wish you peace and happy reading.
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