However, we did have our version of book club. We didn't chat about my new release unless you consider discussing endlessly if its a good idea to release the book is talking about the release. They think it's a bad move for me to step out of my zone and release something I need to classify as Erotic Romance with a warning label. So as we went round and round as to whether I'm evolving as a writer, or whether I should hearts and flowers up One More Kiss, it came to me why the writing style, the way I tell a story, is so different book to book.
Some authors make their characters fit their writing style. I make my writing style fit my characters. Is that wise? Dunno. Will it turn off readers? Dunno. It's just how I do what I do. All my books are written in a different style, different heat level, a different voice. I can't change that. The women in my fictional world are so different they demand it. What I have yet to discover is if readers want different out of their authors, or if they want predictability. Well, we will see on Monday!
As ever, I wish you Peace.
One and I'm still on 99cents Amazon Kindle Countdown One Last Kiss and The Signature.