I've been truly overwhelmed by how many readers send me messages telling me: "The Deverell Series is the best historical romance series I've ever read." OR "I devoured all three books in three days." Or, "Are there more books, more books coming!" What do you think my historical readers? Are my worlds ever simple?
I'm still in the process of fully releasing my first contemporary series, but how I do what I do, stays true in the Half Shell and the Affair without end Series. Nothing in any book is ever there without a reason. You may not know why it is there, my historical readers didn't, but it makes book three so much more the fun...at least I think so... and that's when I start getting the "Aha, Aha, Aha, OMG" messages.
Second books have a tendency to be calmer in my series and yet, they are the book of mistakes, clues, and the bridge for the wild ride in the final book. This is true in The Girl of Tokens and Tears. Everything in that book, the small moments, the strange moments, the moments of her lack of certainty, the moments where she truly screws up, well each and every moment is going to be a shocking revelation in the third book. Poor Chrissie. She never knows what's going on, and is never more unclear about anything than she is about herself. As to why my second books are calmer, less reflective and less emotionally intense, I figure we all need a breather and I know Chrissie needs one.
So, will how I do what I do work with contemporary romance series readers? I don't know. But we'll find out with the release of the third Half Shell Book, The Girl of Diamonds and Rust, April 2015. I hope the readers of this series all stay with the ride. And I know that those who do will definitely tell me if the wild ride was good for them.
As ever, I wish you Peace.