My husband likes to shop, I don't, and he goes to all the old school hardware stores and consignment shops, so I mostly just sit on benches and wait and enjoy the small town Northern California charm. Sutter Creek is very small so the wait only gave me enough time to write a Novella in my head. Bigger town, more hardware stores, might have been a full length novel.
And I figured, why not release a novella. Everything helps when you need to start a college fund for Baby Hugo... and granny has still got it going on. I haven't lost my game and I can still write new stories here and there while going through the grueling process of releasing the last 24 finished novels.
And every once in the while you have a sub-character you really like and they deserve their own story. I love Linda Rowan and she doesn't mind at all if I tell a few of her secrets in a Novella.....