First thing I've learned: Readers are amazing people. How kind they are. How much they invest in your work, and the worlds and characters you create. I missed my release date for The Girl in the Comfortable Quiet. I hit release yesterday 12 days late. I value the relationship that's grown with so many of you. I felt terrible not doing what I said I would do. And quite simply: you were all wonderful. So thank you, for making my difficult time, easier and less stressful--as Amazon makes it more stressful, not making my book live and making me wait for buy links.
Second thing I've learned: Authors are wonderful people. I was buried yesterday formatting my book and uploading. I was offline most of the day and all through the hours buzz, buzz, buzz from my iPhone. People taking their time on a Sunday, retweeting me, sharing my FB posts, keeping my little book business going while I spent time building my next book. Authors are supportive people. Knowing so many others has enriched my life.
Third Thing I've learned: There is still the kindness of strangers in this too impersonal world we live in. People I don't know in the breathing world--FB, Twitter, TSU--have sent me an enormous number of emails, direct messages and naughty dude pictures for my Birthday(Thank you for those. Got granny awake today) There is a line in A Streetcar Named Desire. "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers." Now I know I'm not taking it the way Tennessee Williams meant it. But it's a pretty darn good sentiment. I think it would be better if we all believed in the kindness of strangers again. I do. So many of you have been so wonderful to me, I do believe in the kindness of strangers. Funny that I should find that in Indie Author land and tentatively stepping into the digital social world. So on this day that makes my 29th year...again, again. well you get the idea...
My heart is touched. My life is overfilled with kindness from others today. And as ever I wish you all Peace.