Of the things I've read about how to do this successfully, the most accurate has proved: to be a successful Indie you must release, release, release. Most of us will go nowhere fast if that's not your plan. Now I have other Indie authors getting annoyed with me--I see your stuff everywhere--but granny's on a mission and seeing me everywhere means I'm working the plan. But it is a process and it is exhausting. To be honest, I did make it harder on myself than I needed to. Of the original 26 novels I've only released 3 from the completed stack. And then I launched 3 series in a single year when all the series books weren't finished and added another 14 books to the completed stack. Yep, somehow I've written 14 novels in 14 months. So crap, I'm only on my 11th release with number 12 coming this month, The Girl in the Comfortable Quiet, but now I've got 28 completed books sort of up in the air like planes above an airport waiting to land and I don't know what I'm going to do about them.
The one thing I didn't read about being an Indie in all of the books I read was never forget the shit happens rule. You see our books have a way of sucking us into the world of our minds, and we forget we are here in the world of shit happens. That pretty much sums up my June 2015. I've had an avalanche of shit happens.
I recently read a post by Kluh Waters about retiring from writing. (Darling Kluh I wish you well and every happiness.)She hasn't been at it that long, but I totally get the post. She's tired and needs to focus on spending more time with her family. You see, this is not just a job or a project, it is in many ways adding a demanding relationship to your life. You share you, readers have expectations, and you work hard a lot of the time of your life to keep the relationship good. It is 24/7 of effort and emotion. It's a relationship that takes hard work, attention, love and commitment. Maybe that's why so many of us older gals do this and do it well. It is the same recipe for raising a child. Why not utilize that training now that the kids are gone? And it is just as demanding and just as taxing.
So, where does this leave me? Releasing 40 books in 36 months and starting a new series in the fall. 2nd year as an Indie time for a new goal! Ya, Ya. Ya. I'm a type A. I can hear my own sound advice, but damn, I don't ever take it. And truthfully, as tired as I am today, I'm old enough to know it will pass tomorrow, and I want ever minute of this amazing ride with my readers. Thank you all for being so wonderful to me. I'm just a little beach girl from a tiny town on the coast of California, Santa Barbara. I am a small town girl and always will be, so it has been truly amazing to hear from so many people, from all around this incredible place we call earth, that they have read my little books and that the books mean something to them. Absolutely an Amazing High.
As ever I wish you Peace.
Oh, and pop back in tomorrow. I have another book birthday to celebrate and another thank you to my readers for you all.