I've made tons of mistakes along the way, laughed them off, kept going, have had my feelings hurt by another author, and made the Amazon Bestsellers Top 100 list for Romance with a book I almost didn't release. I worried it was passe( it's one of my favorites) but I wasn't sure there was a market for it.
It's been a heck of a ride.
Indie author land has reaffirmed some simple truths for me:
1. There are good people everywhere, you just have to be lucky enough to find them
2. There are bad people everywhere, you just have to ignore them
3. There is help everywhere, you just have to ask.
4. Follow your dreams. It doesn't matter how it ends up. Don't let anyone shit on them. You're not hurting anyone by doing what makes you happy.
5. Be good to others.
6. Be good to yourself
7. Life is good if you let it be.
Now back to work for me. Getting ready to release #5 in my journey to release 26 books in 24 months.