Then came the discovery: not all of my chapters were recovered after my computer crashed and burned. So I've been frantically rewriting the missing chapters(thank god I have a plot tree and I remember how the story goes) and I have a permanent knot in my stomach. I'm doing well, I should be on target for the date, but that knot won't go away until I send the last rewritten chapter off to my editor.
Number 7 is shaping up to be the toughest release yet. I think I'll take a breather after this book, maybe a month vacation in Hawaii and just sleep. I have a crazy ass schedule of releases for 2015. I'm going to need to recharge my batter before the new year. I'm having an amazing time being an indie. The work is hard. But who knew it would be so fun?
I wish you peace.
The Deverell Series:
Book 1 When the Perfect Comes
Book 2 Face to Face
Book 3 Love's Patient Fury Coming December 1st